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You can now deploy the Remotion Studio

· 3 min read
Jonny Burger
Chief Hacker @ Remotion

We now make it possible to export the Remotion Studio as a static website and deploy it to any hosting provider.

You can share the resulting URLs with your team, clients or friends. They can preview the video, and change the parameters to customize the video.

You can also pass the URL to any Remotion rendering API, such as npx remotion render and renderMedia(), without having to clone the code. (Template)

Deploy as a static website

Use npx remotion bundle to export the Remotion Studio as a static website. Enter this build command on Vercel, Netlify or another provider to continuously deploy the Studio.

Deploy a template to Vercel in 15 seconds

Render from a URL

You may use the URL to render:

npx remotion render

You can use --props to parameterize the video.

All render APIs support this: renderMedia(), renderStill(), getCompositions(), renderMediaOnLambda(), renderFrames(), renderStillOnLambda(), getCompositionsOnLambda(), renderMediaOnCloudRun(), renderStillOnCloudRun(), npx remotion render, npx remotion still, npx remotion compositions, npx remotion lambda render, npx remotion lambda still, npx remotion lambda compositions, npx remotion cloudrun render and npx remotion cloudrun still.

Explore code visually

Sequences are mapped back to the original source code. Click on them in the deployed Studio to jump to the source code on! (Template)

Deployed templates

Our templates and examples are deployed as a Studio:

Deployed examples

Deploy the Studio to a server

You may also deploy the Remotion Studio as a long-running server, for example on or
The advantage is that the Render Button stays active, meaning you can render and download videos!

Read here how to deploy the Remotion Studio to a server.