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Using this function, you can segment tokens to create "pages" of captions, as commonly seen on TikTok videos.

You may specify how often pages switch. A high value for combineTokensWithinMilliseconds will fit many words on 1 page, while a low value will lead to word-by-word animation.

This function is safe to use in the browser, Node.js and Bun.

Create pages from captions
import {createTikTokStyleCaptions, Caption} from '@remotion/captions';
const captions: Caption[] = [
text: 'Using',
startMs: 40,
endMs: 300,
timestampMs: 200,
confidence: null,
text: " Remotion's",
startMs: 300,
endMs: 900,
timestampMs: 440,
confidence: null,
text: ' TikTok',
startMs: 900,
endMs: 1260,
timestampMs: 1080,
confidence: null,
text: ' template,',
startMs: 1260,
endMs: 1950,
timestampMs: 1600,
confidence: null,
const {pages} = createTikTokStyleCaptions({
combineTokensWithinMilliseconds: 1200,
/* pages: [
text: "Using Remotion's",
startMs: 40,
tokens: [
text: 'Using',
fromMs: 40,
toMs: 300,
text: " Remotion's",
fromMs: 300,
toMs: 900,
text: 'TikTok template,',
startMs: 900,
tokens: [
text: 'TikTok',
fromMs: 900,
toMs: 1260,
text: ' template,',
fromMs: 1260,
toMs: 1950,
] */
Create pages from captions
import {createTikTokStyleCaptions, Caption} from '@remotion/captions';
const captions: Caption[] = [
text: 'Using',
startMs: 40,
endMs: 300,
timestampMs: 200,
confidence: null,
text: " Remotion's",
startMs: 300,
endMs: 900,
timestampMs: 440,
confidence: null,
text: ' TikTok',
startMs: 900,
endMs: 1260,
timestampMs: 1080,
confidence: null,
text: ' template,',
startMs: 1260,
endMs: 1950,
timestampMs: 1600,
confidence: null,
const {pages} = createTikTokStyleCaptions({
combineTokensWithinMilliseconds: 1200,
/* pages: [
text: "Using Remotion's",
startMs: 40,
tokens: [
text: 'Using',
fromMs: 40,
toMs: 300,
text: " Remotion's",
fromMs: 300,
toMs: 900,
text: 'TikTok template,',
startMs: 900,
tokens: [
text: 'TikTok',
fromMs: 900,
toMs: 1260,
text: ' template,',
fromMs: 1260,
toMs: 1950,
] */



An array of Caption objects.


Words that are closer than this value will be combined into a single page.

Return value

An object with the following properties:


An array of TikTokPage objects.

A page consists of:

  • text: The text of the page.
  • startMs: The start time of the page in milliseconds.
  • tokens: An array of objects, if you want to animate word-per-word:
    • text: The text of the token.
    • fromMs: The absolute start time of the token in milliseconds.
    • toMs: The absolute end time of the token in milliseconds.

See also