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Using Remotion Lambda with R2

R2 by Cloudflare is a popular way to store renders because there are no egress fees.

Create a Cloudflare bucket and set up an API key with Object Read & Write permissions.

Use an s3OutputProvider to store the rendered video in R2:

const {bucketName, renderId, cloudWatchMainLogs} = await renderMediaOnLambda({
serveUrl: '',
// FIXME: Add your function specs here
functionName: speculateFunctionName({
diskSizeInMb: 2048,
memorySizeInMb: 2048,
timeoutInSeconds: 120,
composition: 'HelloWorld',
region: 'eu-central-1',
codec: 'h264',
outName: {
// FIXME: Use the bucket name from your Cloudflare Storage settings
bucketName: 'remotion-test-bucket',
key: 'out.mp4',
s3OutputProvider: {
// FIXME: Use the endpoint from your Cloudflare Storage settings
endpoint: '',
// FIXME: Use the Access Key from your Cloudflare settings
accessKeyId: process.env.R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID ?? '',
// FIXME: Use the Secret Access Key from your Cloudflare settings
secretAccessKey: process.env.R2_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ?? '',

See also