Emojis are always rendered as-is by the operating system.
By nature, they are different across different OS:
- Windows Emoji Set
- macOS and iOS Emoji Set
- Different Linux distributions have different sets of emojis, or none at all.
Emojis on Linux and in Docker
When rendering in the cloud or in Linux in general, you will not get the same emojis as on your Desktop.
You can install open source emoji fonts for your operating system:
apt-get install fonts-noto-color-emoji
Amazon Linux 2023:
yum install google-noto-emoji-color-fonts
Emojis on Remotion Lambda
Noto Color Emoji are installed on Remotion Lambda by default.
You can enable Apple Emojis.
Replacing Emojis is possible by customizing Remotion Lambda.
Apple Emojis are intellectual property of Apple Inc.
You are responsible for the use of Apple Emojis in your project.
Unavailable emojis
Since the Lambda runtime can only be 250MB, and the space has to be shared with Chrome and other fonts, we had to remove some emojis from the font.
The following emojis are removed:
- All "Facing Right" emojis of existing emojis: "🏃➡️" Person Running Facing Right is not available, but "🏃" Person Running is
- All interracial couple and family emojis like "👩🏼❤️👩🏿 Couple with Heart: Woman, Woman, Medium-Light Skin Tone, Dark Skin Tone"
We excluded these emoji groups because it reduces the set of emojis by more than 800 images and they have neutral fallbacks available.
You need to ensure those emojis are not rendered in order to avoid rendering issues.
Consider removing those emojis from your emoji picker or falling back to the neutral emojis (e.g. "💑 Couple with Heart" instead of "👩🏼❤️👩🏿 Couple with Heart: Woman, Woman, Medium-Light Skin Tone, Dark Skin Tone")