Turns the output from
from the openai package into an array of Caption
This package performs processing on the captions in order to retain the punctuation in the words, which is not by default included in the OpenAI response.
This function can be used in any JavaScript environment, but you should not use the OpenAI API in the browser because your API key will be exposed to the browser.
Example usagetsx
importfs from 'fs';import {OpenAI } from 'openai';import {openAiWhisperApiToCaptions } from '@remotion/openai-whisper';constopenai = newOpenAI ();consttranscription = awaitopenai .audio .transcriptions .create ({file :fs .createReadStream ('audio.mp3'),model : 'whisper-1',response_format : 'verbose_json',prompt : 'Hello, welcome to my lecture.',timestamp_granularities : ['word'],});const {captions } =openAiWhisperApiToCaptions ({transcription });