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Edit captions


If the AI has made a mistake in the caption, there are three different ways to correct them:

Inside the Remotion Studio you can correct it by clicking on the faulty caption in the video. This opens a text editor containing the captions, from where you can directly edit them. Once you are done with your corrections, click on "Done" in the right bottom corner of the editor. This will save the changes you made into the JSON file containing your captions.

You can directly edit your JSON files located at public/[your-composition-id] in your project with an editor of your choice.

If the AI makes the same mistake multiple times, you can also remap words programatically inside the config/autocorrect.ts file by adding logic inside the autocorrectWord function. For example:

const autocorrectWord = (word: Word): Word => {
// Replace a single word with another one
if (word.word === " github") {
return {
word: word.word.replace("github", " GitHub"),
return word;

Highlight Words

To highlight specific words, click on the desired word within the captions. In the opening editor, choose the monospace option to apply a monospaced font and default blue color to the selected word. If you wish to change the highlighting color, modify the WORD_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR constant in the config/themes.ts file.