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Cutting clips

The recommended way is to record many small bite-sized clips with the Recording interface and create many scenes.
You will have to do less re-takes due to mistakes and having multiple scenes allows adding transitions inbetween.

If this is unfeasible and you already have a long recording that you would like to split after the fact, you can use the following script:

import { $ } from "bun";
import { existsSync, readdirSync, renameSync, rmSync } from "fs";
import { join } from "path";
import {
} from "./config/cameras";
const compositionId = process.argv[2];
if (!compositionId) {
throw new Error("Expected composition ID as first argument");
console.log("Composition ID", compositionId);
const timestamp = process.argv[3];
if (!timestamp) {
throw new Error("Expected timestamp as second argument");
const trimPoint = process.argv[4];
if (!trimPoint) {
throw new Error("Expected trim point as third argument");
console.log("Timestamp", timestamp);
console.log("Trim point", trimPoint);
const folder = join("public", compositionId);
const files = readdirSync(folder);
const webcamFile = files.find((f) => f.startsWith(`webcam${timestamp}`));
if (!webcamFile) {
throw new Error(
`Expected file ${compositionId}/webcam${timestamp}.* to exist`,
const webcamTimestamp = webcamFile.match(/\d{1,14}/g)?.[0] ?? null;
if (!webcamTimestamp) {
throw new Error(
`Expected file ${compositionId}/webcam${timestamp}.* to have timestamp ${timestamp}`,
const allFilesWithTimestamp = files.filter((f) => {
return (
f.startsWith(`${WEBCAM_PREFIX}${timestamp}`) ||
f.startsWith(`${DISPLAY_PREFIX}${timestamp}`) ||
f.startsWith(`${ALTERNATIVE1_PREFIX}${timestamp}.mp4`) ||
const allTimestamps = [ Set( => {
return f.match(/\d{1,14}/g)?.[0] ?? null;
const timestampBefore = Number(
allTimestamps.filter((t) => Number(t) < Number(webcamTimestamp) ?? null) ??
const newTimestamp =
(Number(webcamTimestamp) - timestampBefore) / 2 + timestampBefore;
for (const file of allFilesWithTimestamp) {
const newFile = file.replace(
new RegExp(`${webcamTimestamp}`),
// Create video before trim point
await $`bunx ffmpeg -i ${file} -t ${trimPoint} -c:v copy -c:a copy ${newFile}`.cwd(
// Create video after trim point
const temporaryFile = `temp-${newFile}`;
await $`bunx ffmpeg -ss ${trimPoint} -accurate_seek -i ${file} ${temporaryFile}`.cwd(
rmSync(join(folder, file));
renameSync(join(folder, temporaryFile), join(folder, file));
// Remove the captions file
const captionsFile = join(folder, `${CAPTIONS_PREFIX}${timestamp}.json`);
if (existsSync(captionsFile)) {

The following is a destructive action - commit your changes before you run this.

To use this script, find the file that you would like to split, e.g. my-video/webcam123456789012345.mp4.
Execute the following on the command line:

bun cut.ts my-video 123456789012345 2.0
# ^ comp ^timestamp ^ cut point in seconds

This will split all recordings into two.
It will also delete the captions file – to regenerate it, run:

bun sub.ts

Now, in the Studio, add a new scene after the one you just edited.

We plan on adding a GUI shortcut for this workflow in the future.